Environmental and social assessment

Environmental and social assessment

21 March 2018

For the past 9 months, we have been installing sorting solutions for our “office waste”. Our employees have the opportunity to sort papers, plastic bottles, cans, plastic cups, ink cartridges, batteries and light bulbs.

We have therefore drawn up an initial assessment with the help of our partner, ELISE Atlantique, which is responsible for the disposal of waste and their recovery at the heart of the appropriate sectors.

Several points should be highlighted: the involvement of our employees in this process of sorting waste is without question, the reduction of the environmental impact of this waste is really encouraging, and the creation of jobs for people with disabilities ( one of the strong wishes of the company ELISE Atlantique) only amplifies the interest of such an approach within our company.

Our objectives in 2018: increase the proportion of sorted waste, through awareness, and ultimately reduce the total mass of waste released, regardless of their end of life.

Société des Plastiques Brenez

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